Why Newsclip turned to AI for brand tracking

14 Jun 2018

Industry Insights
In today’s digital age, Big Data is everywhere. Because of this, brands need to shape up their data-processing systems or ship out. Newsclip has been invested in artificial intelligence (AI) technology since the early 2000s – putting them well ahead of the curve.

Thanks to years of experience with development, Newsclip is uniquely positioned to offer a holistic brand tracking service that delivers both speed and accuracy.

What is brand tracking?

Brand tracking is a collection of services that enable brands to stay on top of where they are being mentioned in the media and how they are being portrayed to help them understand the impact of their brand messages.

The services that make up brand tracking are:
  • media monitoring
  • media intelligence
  • social media monitoring
  • social listening
  • advert monitoring
  • media coverage reporting

Why AI?

The media is constantly growing and evolving, which means that if brands want to keep up and stay relevant, they need to use advanced brand tracking tools.

Because of this exponential growth in the media, and client need for faster turnaround times, Newsclip turned to AI to boost the capabilities of its already impressive solutions. By combining cutting-edge AI technology with human understanding, Newsclip is able to offer brands, businesses, governments and organisations in-depth insights into the sentiment of their media coverage – in an instant.

The brand tracking technology used by Newsclip combines Natural Language Processing (NLP) and machine learning into a powerful Data Engine. The NLP technology allows the system to correctly interpret human language, while the machine learning streamlines the process by allowing it to recognise patterns.

The digital age has brought with it masses of Big Data. The reason that this poses such a problem is that current systems are not built to deal with so much information. This makes any kind of data capturing or analysis far more difficult than ever before, as the amount of information has increased tenfold.

Catherine Dabbs, a representative of Newsclip, said that this overwhelming amount of data is what sparked the inclusion of AI technology in their brand tracking.

“We realised that in order to keep up with these volumes of data we would have to adapt and grow our data-handling abilities. The inclusion of AI-powered technology into our system has ensured that we remain ahead of the game.”

How does AI benefit brand tracking?

Newsclip uses NLP for automatic sentiment analysis, which allows companies to receive immediate insights into their traditional and social media coverage.

According to Dabbs, the company’s purpose-built NLP engine is being applied to the media coverage of clients that generate large amounts of data. “NLP breaks down large bodies of text to a granular level. It relies on the mechanics of language to understand the context of each word within every sentence and article.”

The technology analyses text, like media clips, accurately because it is able to recognise when the names of people, places, and events are being referred to, even when synonyms or pronouns are used in place of the proper noun. The Data Engine is also able to recognise slang and learn new forms of words as it processes clips, allowing it to evolve as the use of language changes.

Newsclip’s ability to conduct accurate sentiment analysis, at scale, helps organisations make sense of their place in the media space based on the sentiment surrounding their brand.

Thanks to this advanced technology, the Data Engine is able to instantly analyse the sentiment of news reports, articles and social media posts on both a sentence and document level. It is also able to identify trends in thousands of these media documents.

The digital age has created a marketplace where customers demand accuracy and speed. Increasing data volumes, coupled with the major contribution social media makes to this escalation, means that brand tracking tools that can sift through masses of media to find what is relevant to clients will become increasingly important.

“The Data Engine is a testimony to our innovative culture – it’s just one more way in which we create technology that helps brands work faster and smarter, and gain deeper insights,” Dabbs concludes.
Wondering how brand tracking can help you? Find out in our blog post, Four ways Newsclip’s brand tracking helps you create better content.